Welcome from the Principal

Dear parents, guardians and friends, welcome to Oakwood School and Assessment Centre and thank you for taking the time to visit our website where I hope you will gain a greater insight into the life of our school.
Oakwood caters for pupils with severe learning difficulties from ages 3 to 8 who live in the greater Belfast area and our new site at Saintfield has pupils from the Dundonald office area. We are a co-educational, inter-denominational, controlled, day school. Oakwood in Belfast is located in Harberton Park and we are very lucky to share our campus with Glenveagh, Harberton and Fleming Fulton Special Schools and Taughmonagh Primary School. In Saintfield we are located at 27 Old Grand Jury Road in a lovely newly refurbished school and we share our grounds with Little Sunbeams Pre-school and Playgroup.
In Oakwood we pride ourselves on providing an environment where children feel happy and secure, and staff and parents feel valued and involved.
We are committed to providing the highest quality education, personalised to your child’s learning needs in a culture of mutual respect, teamwork, self-discipline, honesty, empathy and responsibility.
Our pupils are at the heart of our school, and our website allows us to showcase their work and the activities they are involved in so that we can all celebrate their wonderful achievements together as a community!
As principal of Oakwood School, I am so proud of our whole school community and want everyone to see how great we are, especially our amazing pupils! I am in the very privileged position of seeing our pupils grow, develop and gain new skills each term, supported by a team of excellent teachers, classroom and general assistants, therapy and nursing staff.
Our staff are gifted at providing a very child centred approach where ‘children come first’ and they are dedicated to ensuring that all aspects of learning have the children’s needs and interests at the fore.
Our website and of course our Facebook page, is also a valuable source of information and includes letters to parents, Term dates, Good News, Uniform lists to name but a few items.
Please feel free to contact me on 02890 605116 or via email info@oakwood.belfast.ni.sch.uk if you would like to know more about Oakwood or to arrange a visit to either of our wonderful sites.
Joining Our School
Pupils are admitted to the school by the Education Authority (Belfast and Dundonald Offices) in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Education (NI) Order in 1996.
We request that before parents choose a school they visit us and experience the atmosphere during the school day.
We look forward to meeting you.
Mrs Lynn Laverty [Principal]
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Upcoming Events...
Monday, 10th February 2025 |
School closure for half term |
Tuesday, 11th February 2025 |
School closure for half term |
Wednesday, 12th February 2025 |
School closure for half term |
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
School closure for half term |
Friday, 14th February 2025 |
School closure for half term |
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Oakwood School & Assessment Centre, Harberton Park Belfast Northern Ireland BT9 6TX | Phone: 028 9060 5116
27 Old Grand Jury Rd, Saintfield, BT24 7JD Phone: 02897440142