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Oakwood School & Assessment Centre, Belfast

Restart letter from Tish

21st Aug 2020

Hello everyone, we cannot wait to welcome our fantastic pupils back into school next week. In line with the Minister’s guidance yesterday evening for the first two weeks the pupils will be in for the 2 days you were informed of in my letter at the start of August.

I want to take this opportunity to assure you that all possible measures have been put in place by our staff to ensure that the return to school will be as safe as possible for your children.

Enhanced hygiene and cleaning measures will be in place. All cleaning will be carried out in accordance with PHA Guidance. Regular cleaning of door handles, desk tops etc. will take place throughout the day.

Protective class bubbles have been arranged which will reduce contact throughout the school with other children and staff. Classroom spaces have had all with unnecessary items removed and we will be making use of all space including outdoor space.

We are staggering our start and finish times in line with DE guidance. This means that you may find that your child is picked up a little later than normal and returned home a little earlier. For others, you may find that there is little change.

To support us with staggered start and finish times, if you are bringing your child to school yourself, please bring your child at the time allocated to you by our transport coordinator Deidre. Please remember when you arrive to wait in your car and a member of staff from your child’s class will come out and take the child into school and return them to you in your car in the afternoons as well.

If you have a query about your child’s transport, EA transport will be able to help you. You can reach them on 02890 784356.

A packed lunch will be required for all pupils next week but school dinners will recommence on Tuesday 1st September.

Thank you for your patience and support during these very trying times. We are really looking forward to seeing our pupils back in Oakwood and if you have any concerns please feel free to email me on


Tish McCann
