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Oakwood School & Assessment Centre, Belfast


9th Jan 2024
Some of our pupils have been working really hard to keep our school grounds litter...
12th Dec 2023
Class 7 enjoyed celebrating Christmas jumper day in school with our friends. 
1st Dec 2023
Class 13 had the wonderful opportunity to visit Laganvale farm. We got to meet some...
28th Nov 2023
Class 13 have been running a weekly tuck shop this year. We have enjoyed weekly trips...
10th Nov 2023
8th Nov 2023
Class 7 enjoyed dressing up for our Halloween party in school. We also celebrated...
24th Oct 2023
We all had a lot of fun during book week. 
19th Oct 2023
We are very lucky to have Jemma back in school this year with her Jump Jiggle and...